Consent Form

Have you noticed any:
Has your Pet ever experienced:
Would you like your Pet to receive:
In the unlikely case of a life threatening emergency...
I, being of legal age and responsible for the patient listed above, give consent to Louetta Veterinary Medical Center of Spring (VMCS) to treat and perform surgical procedures under anesthesia upon the patient listed above. I understand there is an inherent risk in association with anesthesia and sedation; risks may include but are not limited to infection, hemorrhage, and even death. I understand VMCS is not held responsible for risks that may arise in association with a nesthesia or sedation. I understand that additional treatmentmay be required if an E-collaris not used as directed and injury occurs at the patient’s incision site at my expense. I understand payment is due at time services are rendered and no payment plans are offered at VMCS. By signing below, I agree to all statements above and agree that all information I supplied on this document is true.